Sunday, March 10, 2013


It's funny because I have been sore for a week and a half now, getting my body back into shape proves to be more laughable then anything else most of the time. I can't even walk, sit down, or get into my bed without looking like a fool. Anywho.

Ironically, these past few weeks have been the most healing in a long time. Even in the midst of being physically sore non-stop, I have never been so full of peace, positivity, hope, and clarity. I feel mended and healed spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in ways that I never even prayed for (thanks God).

I am learning that healing doesn't always require a prayer. It requires action, a change of heart, a desire. It requires us caring and seeking it, not just sitting back and putting it all on God.

I am learning that

Thankfulness heals.
Relaxation and rest heals.
Exercise heals.
Blessing friends heals.
and blessing strangers heals.
Learning heals.
Encouragement heals.
Optimism heals.
Seeking steadfastness heals.
Trusting God heals.
Repenting heals.
Being in the Word heals.
Change heals.
Embracing the old heals.
Moving on heals.
Laughter heals.
A hard conversation heals.
Spontaneity heals.
Smiling heals.
Jesus heals.

I am thankful for fresh flowers, actually feeling like cleaning, inspiring memoirs, chocolate fountains, a late night of laughter and memorable high school stories, big opportunities, feeling creatively inspired, hair cuts, comfy workout clothes, refusing to have worries, and not having it all figured it out.