Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today I bought a gym membership.
Or, tonight rather.
More specifically, fifteen minutes ago.

I may have gone off the deep end, or I may have finally picked up my mat and started walking.

Often I see glimpses of how I stare freedom or peace or joy right in the eyes and yet still refuse to get up and walk in it. I get so close and then I shrug it off and leave it to figure out on another day.

Some days when a choice is given to me of choosing what's expected and comfortable and easy, and choosing something that shows faith and trust and freedom, I usually just choose what's expected of me. Sometimes I don't even realize it.

I choose the easy road often because I've been on the hard one before. The thing is though, I know that the hard one produces much more then the easy road ever will. But I forget that when I'm given the option.

But today I refused to bow down to easy living and comfortable decisions.

More then I wish for most things, I wish to look at myself straight in the eyes and know that I am happy with who I am, the decisions I have made, and the way I look. Today was one step in that direction, even in the smallest of ways.

Ironically, after I spent the longest day in classes, I came home and watched the latest episode of the Biggest Loser. As cliche as it sounds, I looked at the lives of people who refused to keep pushing things off another day. Who refused in life in fear. Who finally grabbed ahold of what they wanted and were dead on determined to not let go, for once in their lives. I decided, even if its in the most little of ways, I want to the same.

So whether its getting fit, giving up the things that hold you back (whether thats social networking, coffee, soda, cute clothes, etc), or doing something you want but are afraid of- I encourage you to just do it. You will never look back on times you stepped out in faith and regret them.

Truly, in the most non-cliche and encouraging way, you only have one life. Make Jesus proud. And daingett, make yourself proud.

Today I am thankful for inspiring artists, classes that end extra early, seeing my design work branding a new company, a healthy dinner, new mismatched towels because I loved two colors and didn't want to have to choose one, finding a wall art piece online that I've been looking for forever, and sitting in my apartment missing my two roommates with the realization that life is as good as its ever been. I am blessed.