Today I am thankful for laughter, the kind that makes you forget all your worries in life.
Today I am thankful for spontaneous decisions with good company.
Today I am thankful for rest, the kind that grants you peace you didn't think was possible.
Today I am thankful for roommates that are way more then just people I live with.
Today I am thankful for finding worth and security in Jesus, nothing and no one else.
Today I am thankful for hot pink lipstick, for those nights you feel truly comfortable in your own skin.
Today I am thankful for dance, for loud old hip hop songs and for Taylor Swift.
Today I am thankful for random bonding over shopping trips and bonding over dance performances.
Today I am thankful for hysterical greeting cards and surprise notes of encouragement.
Today I am thankful for paychecks you needed, but forgot you were going to get.
Today I am thankful for online sermons and powerful convictions.
Today I am thankful for late nights of decorating cookies and laughing hard.
Today I am thankful for having so many opportunities that I eventually have to say 'no' to some.
Today I am thankful for fearlessness, somewhere in my heart... that I never even knew I had.
Today I am thankful for God being the healer and mender of all things broken.
Today I am thankful for the beauty of life, even, (and especially) the beauty that comes after pain.
Today I am thankful for the exact hand of cards I have been dealt in life.
I am lucky.