Genuinely embracing life, enjoying it just as it is, and milking life for all its worth.
It's my new favorite thing.
That sounds weird. But really. How often is everyone in college caught up in academics or student leadership or jobs or internships? All the time. We are so consumed in doing what 'makes sense' (even if we love it), but sometimes we forget to appreciate the little things that fill us up and make us really enjoy life. Selflessness is great, but I am realizing the necessary balance in life of doing things for other people and enjoying things that fill us up personally. Sometimes we forget the second half as Christians, or we think God does not call us fill ourselves up.
I am loving putting on bright lipstick just because.
I am loving finding cute nail inspiration on Pinterest then painting my nails to match.
I am loving watching cute old 90's movies because I can.
I am loving wearing things in my closet that seem really 'out there.' Because, well... why not?
Sometimes, we are too preoccupied in 'things' and forget to enjoy the life we have been handed. And one thing is for sure, I would hate to get to the end of my life and realize so much of it I didn't even make the most out of. If there is anything I don't want, it is a wasted life. What a bummer to have our eyes set on all the wrong things throughout life: career, possessions, etc. I feel that the most worthwhile life I am finding is one that is drenched in the presence of God. One that experiences God amidst everything, painting nails and watching old movies included. I think instead of making life about finding time to fit God into our schedule, or one hour devotions every day being 'enough,' instead our whole schedule should consist of experiencing Him. I think that God is a God that delights in us loving the life we are living. I think the quickest way to a wasted life is one that is not fully appreciated, embraced, and loved. The minute I forget to enjoy life is the minute I am wasting it.