I am aware that we often make stress something that it doesn't need to be at all. We stress about the most unnecessary things. However, as much as that can be head knowledge, yesterday that didn't stop me from stressing out over the internship interview I was going to have and the one biggest dread I had:
Sounds dumb right. But first of all, I hate the hassle of finding parking most places but more then anything, places like Hollywood. Which just so happened to be where I was going. I also hate being late, much more then finding parking. My fear was running late because I couldn't find the right parking structure they were talking about or there was no parking in it or something weird. Anyhow, I could not sleep the night before with the fear of something going wrong. I had never been to this exact place before so I did not want to do screw it up by messing up something simple.
Too hard on myself? Probably. Trusted God? Not nearly enough.
However, God must have been up there giggling at me or something because too many things happened that pointed straight to Him.
Like this guy named Angel. The name seemed to be no coincidence to me. He worked at the parking garage as the attendant and blessed my day to an extent that I really needed in that moment. He had the most angelic smile and encouraged me for a solid five minutes, not knowing me at all, about the interview I was about to have. He affirmed me like crazy. The kind of heart that came across in five minutes of conversation gave me the exact amount of peace I needed. Then he gave me more specific directions on what building and door to enter in through and told me to just take a breather and head to Starbucks (since I was an hour early, ha). To the world, it may have just been an encounter with a friendly person, but to me, he was literally an angel of peace that calmed all of my nerves.
My day was encouraged by nailing the interview, loving the outfit I wore and feeling classy and professional all day, going to the Museum of Tolerance and hearing a Holocaust speaker with so much joy and perspective which encouraged the living daylights out of me, getting the kindest text from my momma, getting loads of snapchats from my beautiful alpha leaders (friends now), and enjoying homemade hot apple cider with friends before finishing one of the last papers of this semester.
Yesterday was perfect. God giggled again at how I stressed and lost sleep over a day that turned out to be so, so good.