Saturday, June 22, 2013


I am good at dreaming big. I am good at coming up with extravagant ideas to execute later in life or when God gives me the go-ahead. I am good at planning for down the road. I am good at dreams of changing the world. Those dreams come often and easily. I am good at imagining up my family coming to know Christ. I feel confident in my visions and bigger pictures, bigger hopes. I tend to have BIG, big dreams that the world sometimes laughs at and doesn't 'get.'

I can do all of that.

What I can't seem to do most of the time is the little things in the moments I'm given right now. And the reality is, a person's life is a culmination of their days, not their days that have yet to come.

I don't always know how to make the most of one day, in Simi Valley, in America, when it seems there is so little that can be accomplished and transformed in suburbia. I am not good at dreaming dreams that transform the moments right now.

This seems to mark a frustrating tension. There is so much beauty in impacting and magnifying these moments right now. I forget that the day to day, average life can be just as powerful and God-glorifying then my going out and trying my attempt at changing the nations. And who says that sharing the love of Jesus to someone who has forgotten it or hasn't been reminded of it in a rich city like my hometown, isn't as God-honoring as showing the love of Jesus to a little child in Africa that is sick with HIV? Both point to Jesus. Both point to being used by God where we find ourselves in that moment.

What a privilege that we have grace from God, and that Jesus understands that some days scream KINGDOM COME and some days scream JOY IN THE MUNDANE, and both of those point to Him.

I am laying down the burden that every single day of my life has to be filled with miraculous transformation and visible answered prayers and crazy visions and me trying to be the most perfect version of myself.

Following Jesus day by day, dreaming those big dreams but realizing the power in this moment, right here- I am beginning to see and know that that is enough for Him.