Monday, January 28, 2013


Today I got coffee with a friend and had perhaps the most needed and eye-opening conversation possible. It was actually astonishing how relevant and powerful talking with her was. I went home and took notes (for real). It was like hearing direct words from Jesus, her voice was simply the vessel. Wow, thank you LORD.

We talked about the constant struggle to be present and live in the now (the now surely seems mundane and repetitive sometimes). We discussed how confusing it is and frustrating it is to keep waiting and seeking a big moment, when you are living in the midst of little moments that end up being missed as a result. We talked about how we have this skewed perception that God's Will and His Plans are at Point B and we are still at Point A waiting to get through the in-between to finally get there. We miss (or forget or don't realize) that God's Will is in us, and among us, and around us and it doesn't take getting to another season or point in life to reach that. God has that for me now. Woah.

She then mentioned the fact that Jesus didn't start his ministry until he was 30.

Then it all clicked. I truly feel like in that moment, everything in my life made sense. A burden had been lifted and I felt like the sea lacking clarity and purpose in my life had been parted (or even vanished for that matter).

Jesus spent the years of His life that aren't mentioned in the Bible doing the same mundane, repetitive things that we do sometimes. He spent those years honoring his parents, probably having play dates as a kid, sleeping, eating, getting educated, pursuing a job, working, building relationships, traveling, and going to church.

Jesus spent thirty years getting to live out life and endure hardships (ex: His dad's passing) in order to know where humans are coming from. He walked the walk before He began to talk the talk I suppose.

He may have seen some crazy miracles, but He also may not have. He may have changed a million lives, but at that point maybe He hadn't gotten even close to yet. It took thirty freaking years though. Thirty years of Jesus being patient. Thirty years of Jesus learning. Thirty years of Jesus loving those around Him. Thirty years of Him becoming even more intimate with God the Father perhaps. Thirty years of Him learning the problems humans face.

Every single one of those years had a purpose that brought Him to where He needed to be.

Jesus then, kinda looks like me right now. Going through the repetitive, mundane, enduring the small things and waiting for God to hand you the big thing you are yearning for. Jesus waited though. He lived in the now, was blessed by the now and needed all those years to prepare Him for where God was going to bring Him.

Every single day and seasons and year has incredible purpose. Even if we don't see it.

If you don't feel like you are being used as much as you think you should be, rest assure, Jesus maybe didn't feel like that either in those years. But know one thing, God's got you. He's got you. And instead of viewing it as useless seasons of waiting or preparing, view it as purposeful seasons of serving in the ordinary things and making the Kingdom known in the day-to-day. Who says that isn't just as powerful as loving orphans in Africa? Make the Kingdom known in the lives of people who have lost a grip on that because of life's many distractions and love without ceasing in this world where love like that is hard to come by.

"It was because Jesus faithfully performed the smallest duties that the greatest task in all the world was given him."