Sunday, November 25, 2012


The other day I was interviewing someone for a leadership position and for some reason felt led to ask a specific question. Definitely not the typical interview question, came from left field perhaps.

"Do you believe in yourself?"

The question made the girl tilt her head in confusion and ask for clarification.
Who knew a question so simple could seem to be so difficult to understand.
I understood why it was confused, no one asks that question these days.
Everyone you get interviewed by seems to care more about the letter of recommendations, what other people have to say about you, then what you say about yourself.

I read a quote by Joyce Meyer today that said "80% of people's problems are about how they feel about themselves." I think Joyce Meyer would have understood my question quite well. The biggest thing that stands between people and their dreams, goals, and whatever big plans God has for them, is quite often, usually just themselves.

It is funny how we need an army of people to affirm us how great we are, or how smart we are, or how pretty we are, or funny we are, or how great of a leader we are, or how loving we are, and we can't just rest content that we are enough. Just as we are.

It is a never ending game of trying to be better for other people, even as much as they affirm us, we will never feel we are good enough until we affirm ourselves. Crazy idea huh? The idea of our own opinions of ourselves holding as much weight as other peoples? The idea that who God says we are would soak up in our minds so much so that it would become our own perception of ourselves. The day we actually believe and trust in who God tells us we are, is the day the whole world opens up.

I believe that the Holy Spirit living inside of us is what makes us allowed to believe in ourselves to a level that seems ridiculous. We can believe we are capable of Kingdom things, we are capable of loving people like Christ loves us, we can believe our lives are worth something more then making a lot of money and producing more humans for the Earth's population. We can believe in the power that lies in a human beings life, because the same God that created you is the very power that works through you.