Sunday, February 10, 2013


Last night I lived.

Living and existing. Two entirely different things that I often just see as being one. Last night they were two things though, because existing would have been an understatement. I was much more then just that.

In celebration of my birthday, my roommates and I went to my favorite Japanese restaurant in Hollywood, ate the best food imaginable, laughed at how awkward we felt in a place full of rich people and woman in less clothes then perhaps necessary, and celebrated. While they may have been under the impression that we were celebrating merely the beginning of the 21st year of my life, I think this celebration was a lot more then just that.

We celebrated friendship. We celebrated God's plans, which far outweigh our own (all the time). We celebrated laughter. We celebrated the blessing of living with girls that you can speak what's on your mind to, share your heart with, and laugh about absolutely nothing with. We celebrated not only growing older, but growing happier, more full of joy and wisdom, and more full of life.

In a time and century where its all about getting somewhere else, looking toward the future, and being antsy about what's to come, we celebrated the now.

And it was beautiful.

We drove home talking about girly topics, laughing about anything and everything, and enjoying the fact that God gives us the very things we need all the time.

In this season, in this semester, and at this point in my life: God handed me the very thing I needed.
These two girls.

Here's to the people in life that change everything.