Thursday, January 10, 2013


I fear heights and the top of tall buildings and the end of my comfort zone.
I fear disappointing other people but I fear disappointing myself unequivocally more.
I fear an 'unlived' life, an unfulfilled life, a normal life, a boring life.
I fear in ten years being well off on my own, but sitting at home wanting something more.
I fear that my life will turn into the American Dream but not my own dream.
I fear that my biggest problems will be first world problems.
I fear that my biggest, fullest dreams will eventually turn into 'unrealistic' dreams.
I fear that I will get all the desires I could ever want in things, but I won't ever get my hearts desires.
I fear that I will lead my own life, instead of be led by God.
I fear that my choices will be defined by my comforts.
I fear that my decisions will be marked by what the people around me what me to do.
I fear that the Holy Spirit will be neglected because of the big (and scary) things it tells me.
I fear that Jesus' plan for me isn't what my parents would approve of.
I fear that following Jesus will make me look like a crazy person.
I fear that I won't want to look crazy so I will settle for a whole lot less then a radical life for Jesus.
I fear that money will hold more value in my life then I want it to.
I fear that possessions will define me more then my faith.
I fear that singleness will cause me to be impatient instead of trust God more fully.
I fear that at the end of my life I will wish I did things differently.
I fear that the experiences I turned down or were afraid of will turn into regrets.
I fear that I will do the 'logical' thing more then the thing that I feel led to do.
I fear that I will stand in front of Jesus and wish I had something more to show for my life.

More then anything though, I fear that fear will consume my life, be the basis for my decisions, and envelop my heart until I end up living a life that I have never desired to live... and have never been called by God to live either.