Friday, January 4, 2013


I don't think I have EVER, ever, in my entire life of ample movie watching have ever seen a film that sparked emotions like the one I saw tonight.

I was weeping within like twenty minutes, balling throughout the entire movie (no exaggeration at all), I was literally gasping, totally overwhelmed with anxiety at some points, disturbed, frustrated, but somehow, so filled... in a weird way. I would never watch it again because it was the heaviest film I've seen and I think I can live and remember it well and appreciate it thoroughly just seeing it once. However, throughout the whole movie all I could think of was Jesus and the life He calls us to live. Without ruining the film, I wanted to just point out a few themes that blew my mind through the brillant art of filmmaking and the true life of one family caught up in a tsunami. 'The Impossible' was a reminder that

+ We need to see others in the eyes of love. If we saw everyone as precious human beings that are loved by people and someone's kids or parents or family or friends, we would treat the entire human race so differently. Just putting ourselves out there for someone else knowing that to someone they are the world, is so powerful.

+ Life is about family. Life is about treating everyone we know like family.

+ We cannot let fear cripple our lives, it would and can control us entirely.

+ God marvelously created humans to someone find strength when it doesn't make sense. Even when we are at our worst, our weakest, our most broken, our sickest. There is something about a human soul when its set on fire for a cause and a purpose that nothing can stop.

+ Selfless lives are remembered. Somehow, to someone. They aren't forgotten.

+ There is so much power and beauty in a life that makes things about other people, even to their very last breath.