What if I really, truly, 100% accepted God's grace?
I think that belief is essential for accepting God's grace. If we can't ever trust and believe in the grace of God, how are we to accept it?
And honestly, I think a Christian life of accepting God's grace is extraordinarily different from one that lacks the belief and acceptance of the grace of God. If we believe and accept God's grace, that means we believe and accept the fact that God loves us. We believe that our sins are forgiven, that God has looked past all the wrong we have done and He sees our heart. If we believe God's grace covers us, that means we believe that God loves us without bounds and with a love that is unquestionable and unfathomable.
If we believe in God's grace and if we believe that God loves us (like if we deeply, wholeheartedly believed it) our whole lives would be different. Better. Fuller. Happier.
There would be
+ peace
abounding in our lives.
Try believing today that God loves you.
Really think about it.
And really give thanks for it, and walk in that truth.
It'll change everything.