Friday, November 23, 2012


For all the hype that goes on during Thanksgiving, I woke up today feeling just as thankful. Isn't that how it should be? One day to celebrate thanks is good, but how much more powerful is a life of thanks then just one day where you list what your thankful for then proceed to eat lots of turkey to celebrate it?

Today I desire to be more thankful then I was yesterday.
Then I want that to happen for the rest of my life.

I am thankful for a year of growth and transformation. I am thankful for the goodness God has graciously put in my hands and I am thankful for brokenness He has allowed me to experience, (in that, I have learned to have immense trust in God, beyond what I have ever experienced before.) I am thankful that coming home made me realize how I have the most incredible army of people here that love and support me. I am thankful that when I go back to school I will again, be reminded, of the very same thing there. I am thankful for rest that always comes when I need it most. I am thankful for God showing me beauty and power in singleness. I am thankful for being chosen to be a leader over and over, with nothing of my own doing but everything to do with God's doing. I am thankful that I've stopped crazy planning and opened my hands to God's crazy beautiful ideas. I am thankful for learning grace to the millionth degree, my life will never be same after God's lesson in that. I am thankful for God carrying all of my anxieties and burdens freely, I am allowed a freedom and hope that is beyond what I could ever have without Him. I am thankful for the Word, that is always powerful and relevant, always there when I need it and has all the right words when people often don't. I am thankful for every single experience I have ever been through, cause in the most non-cliche way, it has gotten me right where I am at. I am thankful for belief in myself, something that I lacked entirely years ago. I am thankful for the potential of so many beautiful things in my future, however I am more thankful that often God gives me even more then I planned on. I am thankful for the truth-speakers in my life, those that have been my rock when I have been weak and my laughter amidst tears. I am thankful for people, at the end of the day. They are, after all, the only thing I can take with me to Heaven. I am thankful for being allowed to have so many opportunities to create and design and be an artist, it is in creating that I can experience my Creator in extraordinary ways. I am thankful for this year, for these seasons of experiencing Him. I am thankful that saying "yes" to Jesus was the best decision I ever made in my life.